Alix Didier Sarrouy
At the Portuguese Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos de Música e Dança (INET-md) I am working on a six-year project (2020-2026) named “IncArt – Migrants and refugees in Europe: arts as tools for sociocultural inclusion”, financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) (CEECIND/00658/2018). I am also the Principal Investigator of the exploratory project “YouSound – Music education as an inclusive tool for underage refugees in Europe” (2022-2023), financed by FCT (EXPL/SOC-SOC/0504/2021). I am a social science researcher, a musician and a performer. I am French and have worked in several countries, mostly in Portugal. BA in Cultural Mediation (Paris III) and MA in Cultural Politics (Paris VII). In 2017, I completed a PhD in Sociology of Arts & Culture (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle & Universidade do Minho). Arts and cultures are at the core of my academic and professional work. I specialize in the sociological and anthropological study of artistic ways of expression, mainly music, as tools for education/emancipation, namely with socioeconomically disadvantaged populations in Europe, Africa and Latin America. I am focused on the types of social interactions produced by projects involving music and dance as reasons to be, to learn, to create and to evolve.
Rui Cidra
Rui Cidra is an anthropologist and hired researcher at the Instituto de História Contemporânea (IHC) , of the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. His work reflects on the ways expressive culture participates in the making of the postcolonial social relations between African and Portuguese populations. His book Funaná, Race and Masculinity: a Colonial and Postcolonial Trajectory (2021) shows how the Cape Verdean music and dance genre funaná was historically experienced according to distinctive intersections of race, social class and gender, especially masculinity, which contributed to the social marginalization of the practice and its performers both in the colonial and postcolonial periods, in Cape Verde and in European diasporic locations such as Portugal. He has taught postgraduate courses in Migration, Ethnicity and Transnationalism (2004-2011) and Ethnomusicology (2011-2018) at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas,

Rita Grácio
Rita Grácio holds a PhD in Sociology from the University of Exeter (UK), and an MA and BA in Sociology from the University of Coimbra (Portugal). She is currently a researcher at Universidade Lusófona, CICANT, taking part in European-funded research projects, such as filmEU, filmEU_RIT, ReStart, as well as in FCT funded projects, such as muSEAum and YouSound (the latter based at NOVA University of Lisbon). At Universidade Lusófona she teaches Organisational Behaviour and Communication (three modules, at undergraduate and masters’ level). Previously she worked for two research projects, also funded by FCT: New Poetics of Resistance: Poetry in the 21st century (Centre for Social Studies, University of Coimbra), and The History of the Visual Culture of Medicine in Portugal (NOVA University of Lisbon). Rita Grácio has presented her research at several national and international conferences (ESA 2021, 2016, 2013, 2009; IAMCR 2021, among others), and has published book chapters and articles on several outlets, such as Journal of Creative Industries and Cultural Studies, Museum International, Working with Older People, Cadernos de Arte e Antropologia, Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais, among others; and she is one of the editors for MAiA: Music and Arts in Action (University of Exeter). She is a qualitative sociologist (interviews, ethnography, focus group, arts-based research), knowledgeable about quantitative methodologies and SPSS. Her research interests are on the sociology of arts and culture, on the production and consumption of arts, cultural and creative industries, social inequalities and well-being, arts and creativity in everyday life, visual culture, cultural and artistic identities, digital cultures, amateurs, and the arts’ sociotechnical mediations. She has co-produced a database on literary magazines. She has collaborated with the filmmaker Francisca Marvão on the documentary Ela é uma música, about Portuguese women rockers, debuted in the independent film festival IndieLisboa 2019. She is also a poet, and she has delivered poetry readings and creative writing workshops, and published in poetry maga/zines.
Maria Teresa Lacerda
Maria Teresa Lacerda is a musician and PhD candidate at the Instituto de Etnomusicologia – Centro de Estudos de Música e Dança (INET-md). Previously, she worked as a music teacher (piano and musical expression) in different music schools. In 2015, she earned a degree in Musicology at the Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (NOVA FCSH). A few years later, she completed her Master’s degree in Ethnomusicology (2020) at the same institution, with the dissertation “Music and tourism in Estado Novo: Musical activity in Vidago, a thermal village (1933-1974)“. Currently, she is a PhD student in Ethnomusicology at NOVA FCSH. Her dissertation, entitled “‘The city is deserted’: live music ecologies in Lisbon, between the sovereign debt crisis and COVID-19”, explores the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Lisbon’s live music scenes. She is now part of the research team of Sounds of Tourism (PTDC/ART-PER/32417/2017), with which she is collaborating with his doctoral research on live music in Lisbon in COVID-19 times. In this YouSound project, she contributes with a view on the impact of the pandemic on musical practice, contemplating aspects such as creativity, study habits, education and live performance.

Beatriz Machado
Beatriz Machado was born in Lisbon in 1999. She graduated the course of Artistic Production in Ceramics at the António Arroio Artistic School. In 2020, she finished her degree in sculpture at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, having completed a semester in Erasmus at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts in Budapest in her last year. She was selected during the Young Creators 2018 exhibition to integrate the group of young artists, representing Portugal, at the IX Biennial of Young Creators of the CPLP in Luanda in 2019, and in the same year she took part in the exhibition of the XIV International Ceramic Biennial 2019, at the Museum of Aveiro/Santa Joana. Since 2016 she participated in several group exhibitions in places such as Casa das Histórias Paula Rego, Fabrica Braço de Prata, Galeria de Montemor-o-Novo. Her heart swings between ceramics and illustration, one as much as the other. Her narratives are always inspired by the imagination of literature and poetry that she devours. In 2022 she was awarded a Research Grant for the YouSound project, where she will accompany all fieldwork, illustrate the ethnographic research process, use illustration as a co-creation tool with young migrants thus apply art-based research methods. She is currently finishing her studies in Illustration and Graphic Production at Escola Superior de Artes e Design in Caldas da Rainha.